In fall, highlight species targeted by anglers in Cleveland Metroparks include steelhead trout, yellow perch, walleye, and stocked trout. The Rocky River and other area streams remain low and clear, as they have been for the past several weeks. Steelhead anglers are focusing on northernmost river reaches near Lake Erie and the lakefront. To monitor the most recent river water level and temperature you can check the following link: <Rocky River flow gage data> <Chagrin River flow gage data>. Lake Erie has been amenable the past few days, with yellow perch biting for boaters and steelhead hitting for shoreline anglers.
The rivers remain low and clear this week and in need of a good rain. Steelhead are mostly staging along the Lake Erie shoreline (at Edgewater, E55th, and Wildwood parks), and in the northern reaches of the Rocky and Chagrin rivers, and Euclid Creek. Popular methods for targeting Lake Erie shoreline steelies include suspending a jig tipped with minnow 2-5 feet below a bobber, as well as casting a spoon (ie Little Cleo or KO Wobbler) or spinner (ie Vibrax or RoosterTail). The north facing breakwall at E55th has been a hot spot this week. There are currently huge schools of small gizzard shad, as well as decent numbers of emerald shiners, in the northern Rocky River by the marina, which can make for a tough steelhead bite (too much easily available food). Please note: there is bridge rehab work underway on Cedar Point Road bridge which will continue for the next few weeks which will impede the ability to fish there. ODNR has invited anglers to take an <Ohio Trout Angler Survey> through the end of October. Please consider taking a moment to do this and give important feedback to those who make this great fishery possible.
A fishing highlight this week has been opportunities at the Ohio & Erie Canal fishing area down the hill from CanalWay Visitor Center off E49th Street. Two weeks ago we stocked 1,000 pounds of rainbow trout and 600 pounds of farm raised channel catfish at this location. Note: the daily trout limit at this location is five per angler. Trout bite well on PowerBait, canned corn, small spinners, and jigs tipped with a few maggots/waxworms, and catfish love chicken liver. A nightcrawler worm or piece of shrimp fished right on the canal bottom offers a good bet of hooking either species.
The yellow perch anglers around Cleveland are reporting a good bite in 37-38 FOW off Edgewater Park, 37-40 FOW off E72nd/Gordon Park, and 38-39 FOW off Wildwood Park, with other anglers reporting good catches in 30 FOW. Anglers are using perch spreaders and live or salted shiners. Good size live emerald shiners are available at E55th Marina while supplies last, which is currently on fall hours from 9:00am-5:00pm daily. Perch are biting hit or miss from the north facing breakwall at E55th, as well. Night walleye anglers are increasing in number off E72nd/Gordon Park as the water cools. The ODNR Division of Wildlife weekly Lake Erie fishing report can be viewed <here>. Anglers/boaters can view current lake conditions off Cleveland at the following link: <City Of Cleveland Water Intake Crib Cam>.
?�nSteelhead Fly Fishing Basics with Jeff Liskay on Saturday October 24th. This course is full with a wait list at this time. BUT PLEASE STILL CALL AND SIGN UP TO BE WAIT LISTED, IF INTERESTED, BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT WILL DRIVE ADDITIONAL OFFERINGS! Details can be found <here>.
?�nFall Dockage Specials at E55th Marina. As an FYI to late season Lake Erie fishing boaters, we are offering some fall specials on dockage at E55th Marina. Dockage from November 1-30 is available for $150. There will be electric, but no water, during this time. If interested call Lisa Buie at (216) 431-3280.
If you have a photo that you would like to contribute to the fishing report, or if you have any further questions regarding fishing in the Cleveland Metroparks, you may contact Aquatic Biologist Mike Durkalec at (440) 331-8017 or [email protected] .
Tight Lines,
Congratulations to Melanie on catching her first steelie ever this week! The fine buck was caught in the Rocky River (photo courtesy of Tim Daley).
Marty caught this chrome bright steelhead from E55th this week (photo courtesy of Graham Montague).
Frank shares "I caught this awesome walleye on Monday 10/19 evening on the Lake Erie shoreline using a Husky jJerk. Put up a great fight." (photo courtesy of Frank Diliberto).
Thomas shares regarding his steelhead "Caught on Oct. 13th on a silver and blue KO Wobbler at Edgewater Park at the flat spot just east of the pier." (photo courtesy of Thomas Kowalski).
Of the 1,000 pounds of trout we stocked at Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation two weeks ago, about a dozen were unique golden rainbow trout. Brian caught one of them this week (photo courtesy of Brain Shamblin).
Nick caught a nice steelie at E55th this past Sunday (photo courtesy of Nick Zarzeczny).
Nate is still successfully pursuing his beloved Rocky River carp with the fly rod (photo courtesy of Nate Adams).
After work yesterday a Ranger buddy and volunteer Steve joined me for some perching off E72nd/Gordon Park. These are some typical fish from our cooler full of yellow perch made in 38 feet of water. We found live and salted minnows worked equally well for us.
While sampling the Rocky River today we were pleasantly surprised to turn up a stray coho salmon (top two pics). We also saw quite a few steelies, and a giant longfin goldfish. There are huge schools of bite size (for a steelhead) gizzard shad down there currently, which often equates to a challenging bite.
Tony and Vincent were among those who hooked into steelhead at E55th today.
A kayak angler enjoying a peaceful afternoon on Wallace Lake amidst the fall foliage.
E55th Marina shop has some beautiful emerald shiners right now. Get them while they last! Call (216) 431-3280 for availability.
Steve shows off a big white perch.
We had a busy week of educational fish outings on the Rocky River, hosting Cleveland State University Environmental Club, Notre Dame of Ohio College, and West Geauga HS.
This gorgeous panoramic sunset image was taken at E55th this week (photo courtesy of Eddie Dengg).
Note: The fishing report is updated monthly in June, July, and August and weekly every other month
***Note: All photo submissions must first complete the Cleveland Metroparks photo waiver.***
2025 Cleveland Metroparks Registered Fishing Guides
(name, company, contact)
#25-001 Jeff Liskay, Great Lakes Flyfishing LLC, [email protected] (440) 781-7536
#25-002 Gareth Thomas, Alley Grabs Guide Service, [email protected] (216) 235-5056
#25-003 Jim Lingenfelter, Wild Ohio Outdoors Guide Service, [email protected], (440) 731-9160
More information on Cleveland Metroparks Fishing Guide Permit requirements, including the permit application, you may check the following link: <Fishing Guide Permit Program>
Learn how you can support recreation opportunities through a donation to the Cleveland Metroparks
Fishing Fund.