In spring, highlight species targeted by anglers in Cleveland Metroparks include steelhead trout, stocked trout, and panfish. The rivers have been elevated and muddy all week from rain. To monitor the most recent river water level, temperature, and clarity (turbidity) you can check the following links: <Rocky River USGS flow gage data> <Chagrin River USGS flow gage data> <Rocky River NEORSD station with turbidity>. Trout were stocked at Wallace Lake on Monday.
The Rocky and Chagrin rivers have been elevated and muddy all week from rain. After a few days of dry weather streams should be approaching fishable conditions, and anglers can watch the flow gage data to determine when the flows begin to drop. Anglers have reported observing numerous steelhead jumping the dams this week in the high flows. When the water was last lower in level steelhead spawning activity in the shallower riffle areas was in high gear, and that will continue to be the case. In stained water, a nickel size brightly colored spawn sack drifted under a float/bobber is a top producer. For dirty water fly fishers, a big contrasting colored Egg Sucking Leech (or similar streamer) is a good option. We likely have a few more weeks of prime steelhead fishing before fish numbers begin to start winding down. Lots of white suckers are available in the rivers currently and lake run smallmouth bass will begin showing up, as well.
On Monday we stocked 600 pounds of rainbow trout in Wallace Lake instead of the East Branch Rocky River due to elevated flows. Last Friday ODNR stocked trout at Hinckley Lake (2,500 fish) and Shadow Lake (500 fish), as well. These fish will range from 11-14" in length. Trout also remain at Ledge, Judge's, and Ranger lakes. Trout hit well on PowerBait fished near the bottom, jigs tipped with a few maggots/waxworms suspended below a bobber, minnows, and smaller spoons and spinners.
Spring stocking of trout in the East Branch Rocky River began in mid March, but has been stalled by elevated and muddy river conditions. These fish are stocked at about a half dozen locations in Millstream Run Reservation between Royalton Road (Route 82) and the river ford (low bridge crossing) just south of Wallace Lake. Trout will then continue to be stocked regularly through the end of April, and we hope to stock again early to mid next week. Stay posted to this report for the latest fish stocking details.
Please note the current seasonal trout regulations: Lake Erie and all streams 2/day minimum size 12" (this includes steelhead), 3/day no size limit at Wallace, Ledge, Judge's and Ranger lakes, and 5/day no size limit at Shadow Lake and Ohio & Erie Canal.
U.S. Sportmen's Alliance urges Support for ODNR. The U.S. Sportmen's Alliance is a nationally active group headquartered out of Columbus. The are active in representing the interests of sportsmen to legislators. In a recent press release they encouraged anglers to support funding for ODNR, as may be viewed here: <U.S. Sportmen's Alliance Press Release>.
From the Desk of Park Manager Rick Ditch. Rocky River Park Manager has a few items to pass along. First, one courtesy boat dock has been installed at the Rocky River boat ramps. We aim to get the remainder in by the end of April, weather permitting. Also, anglers should not be parking along the berm off the parkway. With the ground being very wet and soft, quite a bit of damage has been done (that his crews need to then repair insead of getting other work done). You may be ticketed for parking anywhere other than a designated parking lot for this reason. Thank you in advance for respecting his request.
If you have a photo that you would like to contribute to the fishing report, or if you have any further questions regarding fishing in the Cleveland Metroparks, you may contact Aquatic Biologist Mike Durkalec at (440) 331-8017 or [email protected].
Tight Lines,
Earl caught a pair of nice rainbow trout at Wallace Lake on Monday morning- one each on Power Bait and waxworm.
Despite the muddy water some jumbo yellow perch and white perch have been biting the past week at E55th breakwall on emerald shiner minnows fished on the bottom with a crappie rig. The bite varies from day to day, and is most dependable in the morning.
Matt has caught some nice steelhead swinging flies in the flows of the Chagrin river (photos courtesy of Matt Gracon).
Jarred has been catching chunky 1-2 pound largemouth bass in the marina at E55th on minnow jerkbaits (photos courtesy of Jarred Bugg).
This blazing golden rainbow trout and two of its normal colored bretheren were caught at Wallace Lake (photo courtesy of Pete Surace).
On Tuesday we had an opportunity to salvage some nice fish from a non-Metroparks lake being drained for dam repairs. Among the fish were some very large bass that were transferred to Wallace Lake.
Paco caught this fresh hen steelhead in the muddy Rocky River yesterday (photo courtesy of Mark Forbush).
Max reports "Caught 7 on Sunday- 4 on a jig I custom made orange head with brown buck tail tipped with a worm and 3 on a brown rooster tail brown obviously working because their fish pellets are brown. All fish were released" (photos courtesy of Maximus Madden).
Daniel showed some love for this white sucker caught on his fly rod (photo courtesy of Daniel Holmes).
Shadow Lake produced some trophy rainbow trout this week (photos courtesy of Michelle Longstreet).
This anglers was targeting trout at Hinckley Lake recently, but the rain muddied waters had the bullhead catfish biting.
This week we re-sampled Mentor Marsh State Nature Preserve and an adjoining pond to catalog what might be spawning in there as part of a collaborative project. Our sampling there last summer yielded results that were highlighted at a roundtable discussion with senator Portman as detailed in <this article>. This time we found lots of northern pike preparing to spawn in the marsh. PLEASE NOTE: fishing is not allowed in the state nature preserve, but you can fish from small watercraft or shore at other areas of Mentor Lagoons.
We had a fish collection outing at wallace Lake with some students from Cleveland. In the bottom photo, for the Know Your Fish Challenge (first of two of them in this report) can you name this fish species in the comments section?
For the second Know Your Fish Challenge this week can you name this species? Please be as specific as possible!
Note: The fishing report is updated monthly in June, July, and August and weekly every other month
***Note: All photo submissions must first complete the Cleveland Metroparks photo waiver.***
2025 Cleveland Metroparks Registered Fishing Guides
(name, company, contact)
#25-001 Jeff Liskay, Great Lakes Flyfishing LLC, [email protected] (440) 781-7536
#25-002 Gareth Thomas, Alley Grabs Guide Service, [email protected] (216) 235-5056
#25-003 Jim Lingenfelter, Wild Ohio Outdoors Guide Service, [email protected], (440) 731-9160
More information on Cleveland Metroparks Fishing Guide Permit requirements, including the permit application, you may check the following link: <Fishing Guide Permit Program>
Learn how you can support recreation opportunities through a donation to the Cleveland Metroparks
Fishing Fund.