In fall steelhead trout are the highlight in the Rocky and Chagrin rivers. Steelhead are concentrated in the northern portion of the river closer to Lake erie, especially around the marina. To monitor the most recent river water level and temperature you can check the following link:
<Rocky River flow gage data><Chagrin River flow gage data> <Rocky River NEORSD station with turbidity>. Lake Erie nearshore anglers are targeting steelhead and walleye, although there is great diversity in catches as evidenced by the photos below. Ohio & Erie canal was stocked with channel catfish and rainbow trout recently (details below).
With the cooler weather good catches of steelhead are being caught off the rocks at Edgewater Park, E55th breakwall, Whisky Island, Wildwood Park, and in the northernmost river sections by the lake. The Rocky River Emerald Necklace Marina and the Lake Erie shoreline at Edgewater Park have been particular hot spots this week- even producing a quality musky which was released by the lucky angler (photos below). Casting a spoon (such as a 2/5 oz Little Cleo or KO Wobbler) or spinner (ie Vibrax or RoosterTail) at these locations are as good a bet as any for connecting with an early steelhead trout. A bobber with a 1/32 oz jig tipped with minnow or maggots suspend 3-6 feet below is also a good producer in the aforementioned areas. Since an angler can use two rods in Ohio, one strategy is to cast out a bobber rod with bait and watch it while working a spoon or spinner with the other rod. But be sure to keep a close eye on the bobber rod, as steelhead have been known to pull unattended rods into the lake! Steelhead fishing in the rivers will continue to improve later into fall, especially following any significant rain that raises water levels.
Anglers at our inland fishing areas are catching catfish, largemouth bass, and panfish. On October 9th and 10th the Ohio & Erie canal fishing area (off E49th Street) was stocked with 1,000 lbs of rainbow trout (including a few dozen golden rainbow trout) and 600 lbs of farm raised channel catfish. Additionally, Wallace Lake was stocked with 224 largemouth bass and big bluegill and Beyer's Pond was stocked with 848 bass, sunfish and channel catfish over the past month.
The walleye are biting very good after dark along the Cleveland shoreline. Anglers are connecting by casting lures like Husky Jerk, Bandit and Perfect 10 stickbaits at dusk and after dark at Edgewater Park, Whisky Island and E55th breakwall. Yellow perch fishing off Cleveland continues to be slow. The ODNR Division of Wildlife weekly Lake Erie fishing report can be viewed
Cleveland Fishing Co. and Joe Thomas Team up for a Fun Steelhead Contest. Cleveland Fishing Co. has teamed up with future NFL Hall of Famer Joe Thomas to see who can catch the biggest Ohio steelhead now through December 1st. Winner receives Cleveland Fishing Co. gear and a Joe Thomas autographed Browns helmet! There is also a random drawing for all submissions. Photos MUST include ONE of the following indicators to prove it’s a recent catch: 1) Orange lanyard, 2) Cleveland Fishing Co. gear or 3) Stick out your tongue! To submit your catches send photos to
[email protected] or tag Cleveland Fishing Co. in your social media posts and use #JoeThomasSteelheadChallenge
Emerald Necklace and E55th Marina Shops Extended Hours for the Convenience of Fall Anglers and Boaters. For the first time we are offering extended fall hours at our lakefront shops, as follows:
E.55th Marina Store will be holding extended winter hours in 2019! Starting now and continuing until November 16th, the marina store will be open on Thursday, Friday and Saturdays from 9 AM - 3 PM. The store will be selling minnows, nightcrawlers, tackle and marine fuel for those looking to hook into a trophy walleye or jumbo perch. Call the marina office with any questions (216) 431-3280
At the Emerald Necklace Marina on the Rocky River, starting now and continuing until December 19th, the marina store will be open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays from 9 AM - 3 PM. The store is stocked with minnows, maggots, flies, jigs and other great products to assist in your quest for a chrome steelhead! Call the marina office directly with any questions (216) 226-3030.
If you have a photo that you would like to contribute to the fishing report, or if you have any further questions regarding fishing in the Cleveland Metroparks, you may contact Aquatic Biologist Mike Durkalec at (440) 331-8017 or
[email protected] .
Tight Lines,
A surprise coho salmon caught at the Rocky River marina this week by Captain John O'Sage. He reported it was delicious (photo courtesy of Mary Lou Czajka).
Daryl caught a fine steelhead from his kayak Sunday fishing where the Rocky River meets Lake Erie (photo courtesy of Daryl George).
Chris was another angler to make a surprise catch at the Rocky River Emerald Necklace Marina. Per Chris's description this northern pike smashed his K.O. Wobbler spoon and went berserk. He released the fish (photo courtesy of Chris Donlon).
Ryan shared
"Caught my first ever steelhead on Sunday morning (24”)! Rocky River just north of the Metropark boat launch. Gold and red spoon." (photo courtesy of Ryan Noss).
This walleye was caught in the Rocky River this week by an angler targeting steelhead (photo courtesy of Sam Horn).
Wes was targeting walleye casting an Erie Dearie off the Rocks at Edgewater Park on Saturday morning and was rewarded with this Fish Ohio (award size) 20" smallmouth bass (photo courtesy of Wes Bombik).
Father and son Andy and Greg had success at Edgewater Park by casting smaller spoons than the other anglers around them (photos courtesy of Greg Young).
John and his buddy Jake (visiting from Florida) had an epic few days at Edgewater Park- catching plenty of walleye and bonus steelhead and even a rare muskie, which was released! Crankbaits and spoons were their program (photos courtesy of John Lusnek).
As if the photos preceding this don't illustrate the fish diversty available at Edgewater Park in Fall enough, Mike caught a big white bass while tossing Little Cleo spoons there, too (photos courtesy of Mike Reed).
"Alabama Jim" caught this Fish Ohio class bluegill in Wallace Lake this week. Back in mid September we stocked over 100 bluegill this size in the lake (photo courtesy of Catfish John).
Jimmy also caught a Fish Ohio bluegill at Wallace Lake (photo courtesy of Jimmy Miranda).
Brad took the kayak out by the Rocky River marina and landed a quality steelhead (photo courtesy of Brad Gardner).
The marina has produced a good number of steelhead this week.
Carmen caught a fresh steelhead that ran several miles up the Rocky River to Morley Ford (photo courtesy of Carmen Colagiovanni).
Chris caught this steelhead in the Rocky. If planning to release a fish, it's never a good idea to let it flop in mud because it can wear off the protective slime coat (I know it's sometimes hard to avoid, but it can be done). If keeping a fish, a quick rinse makes for a better photo, as well (photo courtesy of Chris Balser).
Several dozen colorful golden rainbow trout were stocked among the 1,000 lbs of rainbow trout in the Ohio & Erie Canal a week and a half ago (photo courtesy of Elvaid Rexhaj).
Damian caught some nice Edgewater steelhead this week. If you're wondering about the guys sticking their tongues out, see the Joe Thomas Challenge in the report about (photos courtesy of Damian Babb).
Joe also scored silver at Edgewater Park this week which was entered in the #JoeThomasSteelheadChallenge
highlighted in the report above (photo courtesy of Joe Kasl).
Jake is orginally from the CLE area but now lives in Florida. He visited this week and caught some nice steelhead, as well as snook in Florida all in the same week (photos courtesy of Jake Gruse).
Rolph is possibly the most distant contributing fan of this fishing report. He used to live here but now lives in Washington state. He still fishes for steelhead on the Rocky River when he visits. Recently in Washington his grandaughters caught some nice salmon on their Barbie rods! (photos courtesy of Rolph Kiddlihopper).
I'm proud to report that my girlfriend Liz upstaged my 50.25" musky from last week with this even thicker 50.5" beast! This fish even somehow defied gravity and jumped making for an awesome memory. She did everything right fighting the fish, which isn't easy when you are that nervous! Trust me, 50" musky are not easy to come by- we just had a very blessed week. You can see a video of the fish being released (and sense her excitement)
A bold buck was spotted hanging out among the Rocky River steelhead anglers this week (photo courtesy of "Wally Erie").
Note: The fishing report is updated monthly in June, July, and August and weekly every other month
***Note: All photo submissions must first complete the Cleveland Metroparks photo waiver.***
2025 Cleveland Metroparks Registered Fishing Guides
(name, company, contact)
#25-001 Jeff Liskay, Great Lakes Flyfishing LLC, [email protected] (440) 781-7536
#25-002 Gareth Thomas, Alley Grabs Guide Service, [email protected] (216) 235-5056
#25-003 Jim Lingenfelter, Wild Ohio Outdoors Guide Service, [email protected], (440) 731-9160
More information on Cleveland Metroparks Fishing Guide Permit requirements, including the permit application, you may check the following link: <Fishing Guide Permit Program>
Learn how you can support recreation opportunities through a donation to the Cleveland Metroparks
Fishing Fund.