In fall, highlight species targeted by anglers in Cleveland Metroparks include steelhead trout, yellow perch, and walleye. The Rocky River and other area streams are dropping and clearing following recent rain. Some steelhead were being caught in the Rocky this morning. To monitor the most recent river water level, temperature, and clarity (turbidity) you can check the following links: <Rocky River USGS flow gage data> <Chagrin River USGS flow gage data> <Rocky River NEORSD station with turbidity>. Yellow perch, walleye, and steelhead have all been biting great along the Cleveland lakefront for shore and boat anglers.
The rivers are dropping in level and clearing following recent rain, and the moderately stained Rocky River was producing some steelhead this morning. Weekend conditions will depend on how much rain we receive, so keep an eye on the flow gages before heading out. Huge schools of emerald shiners are in the northern rivers (from the marina to Rockcliff in the Rocky), and abundant leaves are adding to the challenge. Anglers have noted a tough bite, overall, down low but have also observed plenty of steelhead chasing the shiners. The overall trend has been more skippers (14-18" steelhead) further north and more larger adult steelhead further upstream. At least four stray brown trout (one pictured below) have been reported from local streams over the past two weeks. The Cuyahoga River and Euclid Creek also receive some stray steelhead, as do other unstocked streams. Drifting a dime size spawn sack, jig tipped with maggots, or live minnow under a float is a great way to hook a fall steelhead, and fly fishers are also reporting some success. Steelhead continue to stage and feed on abundant emerald shiners and small gizzard shad along the Lake Erie shoreline (at Edgewater, E55th, and Wildwood parks). Popular methods for targeting Lake Erie shoreline steelies include suspending a jig tipped with minnow or nightcrawler 2-5 feet below a bobber, as well as casting a spoon (ie Little Cleo or KO Wobbler) or spinner (ie Vibrax or RoosterTail).
Trout and catfish are available at Ohio & Erie Canal fishing area down the hill from CanalWay Visitor Center off E49th Street. Last month we stocked 1,000 pounds of rainbow trout and 600 pounds of farm raised channel catfish at this location. Note: the daily trout limit at this location is five per angler. Trout bite well on PowerBait, canned corn, small spinners, and jigs tipped with a few maggots/waxworms, and catfish love chicken liver. A nightcrawler worm or piece of shrimp fished right on the canal bottom offers a good bet of hooking either species.
When the lake conditions allow, yellow perch anglers around Cleveland are reporting a good bite in 36-40 FOW off E72nd/Gordon Park and Bratenahl, with other anglers reporting good catches right along the outer breakwall. A fair number of nice perch are also being caught by shore anglers on the north facing breakwall at E55th. Anglers are using perch spreaders and crappie rigs baited with emerald shiners. The shop at E55th is now closed for the season, but emerald shiners are available in great abundance along the shoreline and in local rivers for anglers who invest in an inexpensive umbrella net. Night walleye anglers are reporting great action off E72nd/Gordon Park from the shore and from boats casting and trolling stickbaits, with Husky Jerks and Perfect 10s being top producers. White bass have also been biting for shore anglers around the E72nd powerplant. The ODNR Division of Wildlife weekly Lake Erie fishing report can be viewed <here>. Anglers/boaters can view current lake conditions off Cleveland at the following link: <City Of Cleveland Water Intake Crib Cam>.
New NOAA Wind and Wave Forecast Tool. NOAA?�+s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory has a new product online that combines animations of winds and waves. This shows the both the hindcast from 48 hours and the forecast up to 120 hours for what the strength of both the wind and waves will be on the Great Lakes. If you open the map this morning and want to see what has changed this afternoon, you will have to refresh your website. According to the 8 a.m. version of the wind/waves map, both winds and waves on Lake Erie will peak early this evening. View the new tool <here>.
Launch Ramps on the Rocky River Update. Please take note that two of the three launch/recovery docks at the Emerald Necklace Marina on the Rocky River have been pulled for the season. The remaining courtesy dock will be left in place until the first hard freeze. Also be aware that launch ramps at Edgewater and Gordon parks have concrete courtesy docks available all year.
If you have a photo that you would like to contribute to the fishing report, or if you have any further questions regarding fishing in the Cleveland Metroparks, you may contact Aquatic Biologist Mike Durkalec at (440) 331-8017 or [email protected] .
Tight Lines,
I'd like to start the report by honoring our veterans for Veterans Day (which was yesterday). Mike Schneider, on the left, is a USMC veteran (1st Marine Division, 3rd BN Amtrack). He displays a fine 13" yellow perch, while his buddy Jimmy displays his first Fish Ohio 14" perch. They caught their fish in 39 feet of water off E72nd. I'd also like to thank USMC veteran Aaron Coleman for the photo and for his service to his country (photo courtesy of Ranger Aaron Coleman).
USMC veteran Chris Dietrich was the recipient of a "karma" brown trout in a Metroparks stream this week. Thank you for your service, Mr. Dietrich (feel free to also thank our local veterans in the comments section below if you feel similarly) . This was one of four brown trout that's been reported over the past two weeks from area streams (photo courtesy of Chris Dietrich).
Yanshi Zhang caught a beautiful steelhead at E55th on late Monday morning (photo courtesy of Chelsea McLellan).
Lauren caught a monster walleye along the Lake Erie shoreline this week (photo courtesy of Brock Mihaly).
A rightfully proud Dalton reports "Through the last couple years, I have caught a couple of pike (even 1 Fish Ohio), countless smallmouth (3 lbs and under), and even some carp in the Cuyahoga River. I don't seem to find too many large smallmouth in the river, as I have only caught or seen a 3 pounder a couple of times. 2 pounders are pretty common in the fall but I didn't realize what I had on the line until I saw the football come out of the water yesterday! Attached is the largest smallmouth to date for me, caught from my canoe with a spinner bait on a light 6lb test setup. Was lucky enough to have my girlfriend Bebe net it for me too! Ended up a little over 4 lbs according to my scale, and right around 20 inches. This is the fish I have been looking for for years, happy as could be. I also wanted to note that the river has been the clearest I have seen in the last 3 years by far, I can't wait to see what it brings in the future. Thanks for taking the time to put together and share the report as well Mike, it's some of my favorite reading material" (photo courtesy of Dalton Hayes).
Pat, a Euclid Creek legend, caught this surprise largemouth bass from the creek on a salted minnow while pursuing steelhead by Wildwood Park (photo courtesy of Ken Russ).
Will relays from the banks of the Chagrin River "I went out this morning for two hours with my centerpin outfit and managed to go 1 for 2 on pink roe. First steelie on the pin which was awesome. There were a lot of active fish in the lower pools, jumping and chasing minnows under the surface. Couldn't have asked for a better day" (photo courtesy of will Ellis).
In this installment of Know Your Fish, can you name this lil fella caught while perch fishing off Cleveland this week? Please post guesses in the comments section (photo courtesy of Jeff Deluca).
Jeff and a buddy not only got a cooler full of tasty yellow perch fishing off the CLE lighthouse by the Cuyahoga River- they also caught two bonus walleye on perch rigs! (photos courtesy of Jeff Deluca).
"Mr Bear" was fishing Ledge Lake late last week when he landed this redear sunfish. The big panfish was pushing 11 inches! (photo courtesy of Pat Campbell, Fisher of Men Outfitters).
Dale reports from the marina area on the northern Rock "Saturday. Hooked 5 landed 2. Tough bite all those minnows, jig and maggots got them. Have a good one!" (photo courtesy of Kollin).
Adam has the Cleveland area walleye night bite dialed in (photos courtesy of Adam Zakarowsky).
Ben caught his first trout on Sunday. He was fishing with his father Bill and brother Brendan. He was using a nightcrawler. They also caught a golden rainbow trout (photos courtesy of Ken Russ).
Matt caught these lakefront steelhead on a RoadRunner jig tipped with redworm and an all silver Little Cleo spoon (photos courtesy of Matt Arroyo).
John notes "Caught a couple small males on jigs this weekend in the lower Rock. They were fresh and feisty" (photo courtesy of John Fay).
Ryan caught a bonus steelie mixed in with some white bass (photo courtesy of Ryan Simmons).
Comparing the Rocky River USGS flow data (top) and NEORSD turbidity data (below), the flow at 9:00am yesterday (when the last turbidity reading was logged) was just over 300 cfs and had a turbidity (water clarity) of 16.33 NTU. And the water currently has a moderate stain and was producing some steelhead this morning- unfortunately the NEORSD gage was having issues transmitting real-time data at the time of this writing (they are currently working to fix this). Links for both stations can be found at the top of this report. ***UPDATE- the data transmission issue has been fixed by NEORSD and real-time turbidity is now available at the site***
Last weeky we sampled the lake on the University School campus with one of their ecology classes, and they donated 115 decent size sunfish and bass (which we stocked in Shadow Lake). The trout tank at their school is amazing!
While depth mapping at Ranger Lake last week we did a quick follow-up fish survey and I was pleased to see that we have successfully re-established largemouth bass since our last sampling effort. And the lake has some gorgeous pumpkinseed sunfish (top image)! I was dismayed to see so much trash around the lake, though. My 71 year old volunteer Steve should not be required to clean up other people's trash (see above). Steve is also a US Army vet- thank you for your service to our parks and country both, buddy!
Note: The fishing report is updated monthly in June, July, and August and weekly every other month
***Note: All photo submissions must first complete the Cleveland Metroparks photo waiver.***
2025 Cleveland Metroparks Registered Fishing Guides
(name, company, contact)
#25-001 Jeff Liskay, Great Lakes Flyfishing LLC, [email protected] (440) 781-7536
#25-002 Gareth Thomas, Alley Grabs Guide Service, [email protected] (216) 235-5056
#25-003 Jim Lingenfelter, Wild Ohio Outdoors Guide Service, [email protected], (440) 731-9160
More information on Cleveland Metroparks Fishing Guide Permit requirements, including the permit application, you may check the following link: <Fishing Guide Permit Program>
Learn how you can support recreation opportunities through a donation to the Cleveland Metroparks
Fishing Fund.