In fall, highlight species targeted by anglers in Cleveland Metroparks include steelhead trout, yellow perch, and walleye- and the fishing for all of them is currently very good. The Rocky River and other area streams are low and clear with a modest run of steelhead spread throughout, but lots of minnows and leaves are adding a dimension of challenge to the fishing. To monitor the most recent river water level and temperature you can check the following link: <Rocky River flow gage data> <Chagrin River flow gage data>. Yellow perch, walleye, and steelhead have been biting great along the Cleveland lakefront for shore and boat anglers.
The rivers are low and clear with lots of leaves and huge schools of minnows making thing challenging. The northern river reaches have the most emerald shiners and steelhead, but the bite in this section has been tough with so much natural forage available. One veteran steelheader noted that he enjoyed watching steelhead chasing shiners to the surface by the marina this week, and relayed "at dusk no minnow was safe!". Euclid Creek also receives some stray steelhead, as do other unstocked streams. Drifting a dime size spawn sack, jig tipped with maggots, or live minnow under a float is a great way to hook a fall steelhead, and fly fishers are also reporting some success. Steelhead continue to stage and feed on abundant emerald shiners and small gizzard shad along the Lake Erie shoreline (at Edgewater, E55th, and Wildwood parks). Popular methods for targeting Lake Erie shoreline steelies include suspending a jig tipped with minnow or nightcrawler 2-5 feet below a bobber, as well as casting a spoon (ie Little Cleo or KO Wobbler) or spinner (ie Vibrax or RoosterTail).
Trout and catfish are available at Ohio & Erie Canal fishing area down the hill from CanalWay Visitor Center off E49th Street. Two weeks ago we stocked 1,000 pounds of rainbow trout and 600 pounds of farm raised channel catfish at this location. Note: the daily trout limit at this location is five per angler. Trout bite well on PowerBait, canned corn, small spinners, and jigs tipped with a few maggots/waxworms, and catfish love chicken liver. A nightcrawler worm or piece of shrimp fished right on the canal bottom offers a good bet of hooking either species.
The yellow perch anglers around Cleveland are reporting a great bite in 36-40 FOW off E72nd/Gordon Park and Bratenahl, with other anglers reporting good catches right along the Cleveland breakwall out from shore. A fair number of nice perch are also being caught by shore anglers on the north facing breakwall at E55th. Anglers are using perch spreaders and crappie rigs baited with emerald shiners. The shop at E55th is now closed for the season, but emerald shiners are available in great abundance along the shoreline and in local rivers for anglers who invest in an inexpensive umbrella net. Night walleye anglers are reporting great action off E72nd/Gordon Park from the shore and from boats casting and trolling stickbaits, with Husky Jerks and Perfect 10s being top producers. The ODNR Division of Wildlife weekly Lake Erie fishing report can be viewed <here>. Anglers/boaters can view current lake conditions off Cleveland at the following link: <City Of Cleveland Water Intake Crib Cam>.
NEORSD Water Quality Monitoring Station of Practical Use to Anglers. Several anglers have inquired recently about a new structure installed on the river near Hogsback Lane (see last images below). This is a water quality monitoring station initiated by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District. And it offers real time data online that can be helpful to anglers. Most notably, it measures water clarity (turbidity). Just click on "turbidity" at the site to view a graph of water clarity over time, as shown in the screenshot in the image at the end of this report. I challenge anglers to begin noting the water clarity they observe on the river and correlating it to the turbidity measurement at the time. I'd love to see any records you keep on that, too. Additionally, the station also logs temperature, pH, conductivity, specific conductivity, and dissolved oxygen every 15 minutes. The real-time data can be found <here>.
Launch Ramps on the Rocky River Update. Please take note that two of the three launch/recovery docks at the Emerald Necklace Marina on the Rocky River have been pulled for the season. The remaining courtesy dock will be left in place until the first hard freeze. Also be aware that launch ramps at Edgewater and Gordon parks have concrete courtesy docks available all year.
Great News Regarding The Lake Erie Fishery. ODNR officially reports that we experienced among the best walleye and yellow perch hatches in Lake Erie's recent history this year! More <here>.
If you have a photo that you would like to contribute to the fishing report, or if you have any further questions regarding fishing in the Cleveland Metroparks, you may contact Aquatic Biologist Mike Durkalec at (440) 331-8017 or [email protected] .
Tight Lines,
"Red" helped catch this pair of nice walleyes off Cleveland this week, his proud father reports (photo courtesy of Michael Mochan).
Nate has caught the first Rocky River brown trout of the season, a gorgeous buck caught over the weekend (photo courtesy of Nate Adams).
On Monday shore anglers at E55th were catching everything- from yellow perch and white bass to steelhead and walleyes!
Gustavo reports "I'd like to share my pic with you guys, and help with your very useful weekly fishing report. My name is Gustavo, I'm Brazilian, and that's my first steelhead trout, hooked at Edgewater Park Saturday afternoon on a Husky Jerk. Thank you guys for your job!" (photo courtesy of Gustavo Marino).
Frank shares "Had some more luck on the Lake Erie shoreline but with a larger walleye than the picture I sent in last week. This one was a 28 inches! Husky Jerks after dark. A few other landed very nice walleyes also" (photo courtesy of Frank Diliberto).
Tim relays "First landed steely of the season. I was a bit skeptical fishing a spoon with all the minnows and leaves, but a hungry (or angry) fish decided a 1/2 oz KO Wobbler looked pretty tasty that morning. Surprisingly enough, it bit pretty close (around 8 feet) off the shore right next to a school of shiners. I hooked up on a wider section of the river at the marina" (photo courtesy of Tim Watkins).
Adam wrote us this thoughtful note "Huge fan of your blog, the weekly updates in fall winter and spring have definitely helped me figure fishing in the Cleveland area. Attached is a photo of 27" walleye I caught this past Friday night at the E72nd street rocks. In addition to that one, I was able to get another smaller, 20" walleye, both on stickbaits. Thanks again for the great blog, definitely look forward to reading more in the future!" (photo courtesy of Adam Pardo).
Dale reports from the Rock "This is one of two bruisers I got Sunday morning by the bridge on a Little Cleo. Hooked 3 landed 2 both males. Minnows as thick as thieves across the river." (photo courtesy of Geno).
Jon had an awesome night walleye fishing from the Cleveland shoreline this week (photo courtesy of Jon Freni).
Ken scored a Euclid Creek steelhead on a spawn bag.
Ryan has been enjoying the fall bounty of the Lake Erie shoreline- making great catches of walleye, steelhead and white bass this week (photos courtesy of Ryan Simmons).
Father and son Andy and Greg caught a fine limit of yellow perch in 38 feet of water off of Gordon Park on Tuesday morning (photos courtesy of Greg Young).
Will has been catching some fresh steelies in the Chagrin River on spawn bags (photos courtesy of Will Ellis).
Richard caught a hen steelhead this week (photo courtesy of Richard Williams).
![](/getmedia/b25240e6-72f7-4901-8d03-e31a5aaf3088/Nov5_15_E55th_Adell Hobson 31OCT2015.ashx)
E55th breakwall produced steelhead for Adell and Willy on Tuesday afternoon (photos courtesy of Owen Lockhart).
John landed a Chagrin River buck steelie (photo courtesy of John Zimmer).
Even a fisheries biologist and his crew make time to fish recreationally when not at work! These were some nice ones from Saturday and Tuesday afternoons off Gordon Park in 36-40 feet of water.
This wild juvenile steelhead clearly survived the summer in a small Cuyahoga River tributary in Cleveland Metroparks (photo courtesy of Jake Kainec).
This week we assisted our colleagues at Medina Parks in conducting a fish survey on a property with two big lakes that they are in the process of acquiring. When that happens, they will offer some fine public fishing opportunities, as you can see from this "teaser" pic!
Several anglers have inquired about the newly installed structure (in the photo) located on the Rocky River by Hogsback Lane/Horse Ford. Our partners at the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District initiated this project, which is of significance to anglers and described in the highlight section of the fishing report above. The real-time data, which includes water clarity, can be viewed <here>. Just click on "turbidity" at the site to view a graph of water clarity over time, as shown in the screenshot above.
Note: The fishing report is updated monthly in June, July, and August and weekly every other month
***Note: All photo submissions must first complete the Cleveland Metroparks photo waiver.***
2025 Cleveland Metroparks Registered Fishing Guides
(name, company, contact)
#25-001 Jeff Liskay, Great Lakes Flyfishing LLC, [email protected] (440) 781-7536
#25-002 Gareth Thomas, Alley Grabs Guide Service, [email protected] (216) 235-5056
#25-003 Jim Lingenfelter, Wild Ohio Outdoors Guide Service, [email protected], (440) 731-9160
More information on Cleveland Metroparks Fishing Guide Permit requirements, including the permit application, you may check the following link: <Fishing Guide Permit Program>
Learn how you can support recreation opportunities through a donation to the Cleveland Metroparks
Fishing Fund.